Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Actions for Building Your Team Successfully

Ten Top Actions for Building Your Team Successfully

As I am writing this introduction to this top ten, Diana Ross is ominously singing in my mind: "You can't hurry love, no, you just have to wait!" What does that have to do with MLM marketing, I hear you ask? Well, a lot! If, like I do, you consider that love is the motivating force in having you sell what you sell, then read on! You might just discover your prospective team mate is much closer than you think, and who knows, you might just experience how attractive you really are to your own success... No matter what, you'll discover ten appealing ways to meet the one you are looking for: YOU!

1) Pace not race

How many times did you rush to create your down line, just to see people quitting on you, or not committed to making it work? Bear with me here: listen to Mamma's words: "You can't hurry team. No you'll just have to wait. Your team don't come easy. It's a game of give and take. You can't hurry team. No you'll just have to wait. Just trust in the good time, no matter how long it takes!" Now, if you had the absolute guarantee that the perfect people would show up for you to play with, would you rush, would you force anything? MLM is not a get rich quick scheme. Pace not race is the way to success: with the right people, you will all win!

2) Clean up

Some of us go to great extremes to make sure our home is presentable when we receive guests. We order and dust and vacuum... However, how many of us are truly making time to empty out our mind of any possible garbage (read agendas) before talking to a prospect? If your intention is other than service, your plan will backfire. Either you might procrastinate following up, or your tongue will twist at the wrong time... Become an expert in busting unclean communication, such as biases, judgments, any wants, any shoulds or coulds. Being impeccable in your speaking will bring you heaven on earth!

3) Commit

Did you just go under cover? Come back, don't be afraid: commitment is really a good thing! Think of it as the direct bridge that will insure your passage into the promised land of success! It is very exciting to simply become clear, and say: "I do! For better or for worse, I will love representing this product or this service, I will honor it, comfort it, and keep it in sickness and in health; forsaking all others, be true to it as long as it is my truth to do so." Imagine the gain in time and energy to not have to err any longer... Decision is the key to cut through your chaos!

4) And dot com it!

MLM people might choose to learn from the magic of these 3 letters COM. We already saw it in the lines above. COM as in com-mitment. COM as in clean com-munication. And there is more. Quite obvious is COM as in com-merce, indeed! We might embrace the COM that is truly echoing and highlighting our deepest purpose: the COM of community! This understanding will assist you in miraculous ways, fostering collaboration and cooperation in your team. It will bring amazing rewards, as it expresses and sustains MLM's ideal: people COMing together to support each other in mutually creating financial prosperity.
Connect back to your enthusiasm: COM-pletely!

5) Control

From COM to CON, there is but a small shift! This one is especially tricky: one may wonder why MLMs have been so notoriously misunderstood by the media.

If there is one thing I have learned before I once became a pro at doing art, is that I had to give up being a con artist... What I mean here is that I had to surrender to the sweetness of life, in the knowing that the perfect inspiration would come, that I could not control it. That I did not control anything about it. "You can't hurry love, no..." So I waited, until my wish to con-trol turned into the will to con-tribute. Do so, and watch your business becoming increasingly abundant!

6) Love

Love what you sell and the money will follow! One very exciting part in MLM is that so many services or products REALLY add quality to life, whether through health, or financial services. It is totally easy to build your business when you believe in what you represent. There is to be found the key to your authenticity, that will inspire the right words to promote your offering. From such a place, your sincerity can earn a trust and a hearing. That is pure deliciousness, and one that is palpable, visible, touchable, testable, chewable! And the deliciousness is that in making sense, it makes cents too, and tons of it!

7) ML yourself

What would that mean to ML yourself? How could you Multi Level your being, and allow yourself to evolve? My awesome friend Cheryl said it beautifully: "MLM is personal development masterfully molded into a business." Growing gives you more skills and abilities, which, in turn, evolve you! There again, it is an interdevelopmental venture. You develop, your business grows. Your business develops, you grow! Such fascinating reciprocity makes the game more and more engaging: Can you see? As long as you play, you cannot fail!

8) Build richly

Think of the universe as a giant supermarket... What would you like to choose in it, which will give your presentation the perfect expression? Build that desired image abundantly, keep your focus on it at all time, speak it richly! It will keep you from being in fear, as you move out of dreaded scarcity -- "scare city"! It will wipe out any feeling of being undeserving, or needy. Can you sense how helpful that is in bringing closure to a sell? It is legitimate promotion to market from a place of wealth. It clears out any and all possible manipulations. It just leaves the purity of the nurturing of fruitful and satisfying relationships, and, thus a successful team.

9) Care

Whether selling a product or a service, please do not see your prospects as the golden goose, that will deliver more eggs to you, more favors, more advantages, more admiration... Please hear it: this is not about you; it is about us! The more you allow yourself to know that, the more fulfilled you will be, and the more prosperous your business will become! Allow yourself to distance the childish selfishness that is in all of us, and become the compassion, the care that is in all of us also! As a matter of fact, whether in business or life, and certainly with your team, let that sentence become your mantra: "how can I help?"

10) Jump now!

Ask yourself: am I involved in this business so that one day I will have the freedom to do what I "really" want? There is a simple route to freedom: choose it now! Jump now on the freedom train. Retire your slave costume now, as it no longer fits the person you are becoming! You are bigger than that, bigger than your fear of bigness, bigger than the habits that imprisoned you to a life of quiet despair and unlived dreams! Be free, bold, outrageous and provocative now; you can do it! That empowerment is your first step and your first team, from which everything else unfolds: "You can hurry that, yes, you don't have to wait!"


Unless noted otherwise, all material is written and edited by Mahalene Louis, Copyright (c) Soulvision Axis, Inc. (r) 2003. All rights reserved. You may reprint material from "Turn on the Light!" Top Ten in other electronic or print publications provided the above copyright notice and a link to is included in the credits. Also please send us a copy of the publication. When forwarding this material, please send the entire article intact and unadulterated.


Mahalene is an Inspiration Anchor, an Artist, an Author and the President of Soulvision Axis, Inc., a company assisting visionaries to unleash their creativity and awaken their spirit. She authored the Ten Techniques for heARTful living, as a result of 22 years of study and experience in creativity, communication and human development.

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