This deceptively simple yet overwhelmingly powerful card trick is so easy to learn that by the time you finish reading this article you'll have a trick up your sleeve that will never cease to amaze your lucky audience.
The first thing you'll need is to get a deck of cards. It doesn't even need to be a full deck, or a new deck. Any deck of cards is fine. Tell your audience that you will be performing some magic psychic mind reading, or anything else that sounds equally impressive. Start out by fanning the cards out, face down, and have one person pick a card.
Next, as they would expect you to, tell them to memorize the card, and show it to their friends. Here comes the tricky part. While they are showing it to your friends, you simply put the cards back in a stack, and then cut the deck, so they will put their card face down into your pre cut deck. You simply quickly look at the card that will be placed on top of theirs. This is easy to do, as they will be too busy memorizing the chosen card.
After they put their card in the deck, you know exactly what card comes after theirs, if you start searching from the bottom up. Or if you flip the deck over, and start thumbing through the cards starting from top, there card will be the one immediately after the one you peeked at.
There are plenty of ways that you can choose to "reveal" this trick. You can look through the cards slowly, pausing every so often to "read" their minds, until you get to their card.
Another way that is a particular favorite of mine is to quickly put their card on top of the deck when you get to it, without them looking. Once their card is on top of the deck, put it behind your back, (or under a table), and quickly take their card off the top, turn it over, and stick it anywhere randomly in the deck.
Then you can pretend that you couldn't find their card, and ask them what it is. Then you start looking through the deck, with all the cards face up, except theirs. The only card face down will be theirs. They will be amazed, to say the least.
You can easily come up with many different ways for a powerful "reveal" that will always stun your audience. You can do this trick pretty much anywhere you have a deck of cards handy and a couple minutes to spare. Have fun.
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