Thursday, September 19, 2013

Magic? You Mean MY Life? Oh, Yeah, Baby!

Recently, the Divine (or Spirit or God or the Universe - however you wish to refer to it) reminded me that when we put our intention out there - and especially when we speak it to others - it shows up in our lives. Now this isn't something new; we've been hearing about it for years.

Yet, it came home to me that evening as I stepped out of the shower that I had taken by candlelight and thought, "Aahhh, magic!"

Suddenly, I remembered that I had written about creating magic in my blog for that day. But I had written it several days before and had handed it off to my assistant to post, and then forgot about it. The title of that blog was "I tune into the magic of my soul!"

As I pondered this, I remembered a number of other "magical" experiences that day: a lovely nap, a yummy foot rub given to me by my husband, a candlelight dinner with him, errands we ran that were fun and completely delightful, a cuddling time with Pixie, my sweet kitty, a delicious fruit salad meal with my favorite fruits, beautiful roses my husband had given me, a beautiful full moon that I could see from the window as I was taking my wonderful shower, a phone call with someone dear to me, and so on.

When we state our intention not only to ourselves, but to the world around us, then our lives begin to show up and we can see how the Divine supports our intention. Now here's the thing: if we are in alignment with our statement, then life just flows it to us. If, however, we are not in alignment with our statement, well, then... uh-oh. Watch how the Universe will show you the areas where you are not in alignment. It is then your work to move yourself into alignment with your intention. (That's always our work, by the way.)

Clearly, I was in alignment with feeling magical. I had no resistance to it. (And yes, for those who are asking, there are statements I write on my blog that I'm not fully in alignment with... of course.) It is up to us to move into alignment with the words we speak and the intentions we state, and it is up to us to pay attention to what the Divine is showing us.

Why? Because if we want our lives to be lives that work for us, then it's worth doing the work.

So, here are the lessons from this:

1. State your intention for what it is you want. Do you want a beautiful day? State it. Do you want a productive meeting? State it. Do you want to feel abundant? State it. The Universe hears and brings to you want you have stated.

2. State your intention to others. Here's where it can get a little tricky. When you state your intention to others, be very clear that you may have those who will not support you. But guess what? These naysayers are your best teachers. Why? Because they are letting you know that a part of you believes (or is fearful about) what they are saying. Your work then becomes a work of clearing: clearing your resistance out so that you move into alignment with your intention.

3. Pay attention to how the Divine delivers your intention. Because it will. It might be in small doses. So what? Pay attention to them and fill yourself with gratitude for those doses. By doing this, you are strengthening your belief in yourself and your ability to co-create with the Divine. And before long, those small doses will be big doses!

Your Action Steps:

To start playing with this in a conscious co-creative way, it's time to take some steps.

1. Get clear about what you want right here, right now. (By the way, be gentle with yourself here. Choose non-resistant things that will help you build the energy of your belief in yourself and in your abilities.)

2. Begin to state what it is you want to yourself and to the Divine.

3. If you are ready, begin to state what it is you want to others.

4. Pay attention to how it shows up in your life - in large or in small doses.

5. Acknowledge the areas that show up. (This will increase your own believability in yourself.)

6. Be grateful. You will begin to manifest more and more, faster and faster, with this one simple tool: gratitude.)

7. Have fun with it!

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