Many people are finding success selling items on eBay and other auction sites. If you are selling small to medium sized items, you may have experienced difficulty in getting good pictures that show the items at their best. You don't need to invest in an expensive camera to get good pictures, you just need to know a few things about table top photography.
There are a few things you'll need to get the best pictures for your auctions:
Camera: A digital camera is great. You'll want one with close-up (macro) capability, and one that allows you to set the exposure manually and turn off the built-in flash.
Tripod: A tripod is a MUST to get clear pictures. The shutter speed you'll be using is often too slow to get sharp pictures without a tripod.
Lighting: You usually won't be using your camera's built-in flash. Floodlights are an inexpensive alternative to professional strobe lights. You can get clamp-on fixtures and floodlight bulbs at your hardware store. You'll probably end up using at least two, possibly as many as four floodlights. Note: if you do use floodlights, be sure to take your pictures indoors without any daylight. Use your digital camera's white balance function to insure proper color balance. Mixing daylight with artificial light will cause color balance problems. Do not use fluorescent lights, since they will also cause color balance problems (there are expensive fluorescent bulbs made for photography, but due to their cost and scarcity, most occasional photographers prefer less expensive tungsten floodlights.)
Light tent: There are many styles of commercial light tents available. Do an online search to familiarize yourself with available sizes and styles. While a commercial light tent will be the easiest to use, some people make their own, using inexpensive PVC pipe as a frame for white linens. Your light tent can be fairly small if you are photographing small items like rings and coins, but might need to be bigger if you shoot larger items like electronics, computer parts, etc.
Shiny items like jewelry, coins, etc. need to be photographed with flat, even shadowless lighting. Using your camera's built-in flash will likely destroy any chance of getting the best shot. These items are best photographed using a light tent, which is made of translucent fabric. The item goes inside the light tent and you place lights on the outside. The translucent fabric softens the light and reduces reflections to the point where you can capture the real look of the item without a bunch of glare.
Exposure is tricky if you are using a white background because your camera's automatic exposure setting will try to compensate, making the subject too dark. To correct this, you can set the exposure manually, or set the exposure override to about +1 to +2. Take a series of shots beginning with + 1/2, going to +2 or higher, and see which looks the best. The opposite can be true if you're shooting on a black background. The item may be too light (overexposed) when photographed using your camera's fully automatic mode, so bracket your exposures from - 1/2 to -2 and you will clearly see which is best.
Use the camera's self timer to take the pictures, because pressing the shutter release will shake the camera. You want everything as still as possible to obtain the sharpest pictures.
Once you've taken your pictures, use your photo editing software to do some final digital magic. You can lighten or darken the images to bring out the best detail, crop closer to your item, or even adjust the color balance to create the best looking product possible.
A good photograph can make a big difference in the price you get for your items. An out of focus, underexposed picture with glare isn't going to provide your bidders with confidence in your product or you. A well shot product makes you look more professional, and can show the product at its best. Maximize your auction profits with better pictures!
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